Archive for the ‘Inde’ Category

Et ben tintin…


TinTin au Tibet ou TinTin au Ladakh ?

The original title of this comic book is TinTin in Tibet…


dis camion…

La vie est simplement plus belle en couleur…

Life is more beautiful with colors…

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Leh, sign it!

Parce qu’ils m’ont fait sourire, ou simplement parce qu’ils font parti du Ladakh…

Because they made me smile, or simply because they are a part of the Ladakh landscape…

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Je degustais tranquilement mes samosa quand j’ai commece a regarder de plus pres l’emballage…

What a surprise when I paid attention to the paper wrapping my samosas…




Yokma : une guest house familiale sur Changspa… Mais sinon voici Leh

Yokma: I stayed there, close to Changspa… Otherwise, here is Leh

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Srinagar > Kargil > Leh

2 jours de voyages…

A 2 days trip…

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Kashmir – trek – Vincent a la montagne

Les petites occupations quotidiennes (ou presque)…

Daily life, and (almost) daily tasks…

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Mon premier bonhomme de neige a 4000m…

My first Snowman, at the altitude of 4000m…



Kashmir – trek – :(

imgp1196Mon premier mal des montagnes… Apres ma premiere ascension a 4000 metres.

My first altitude sickness… After my first climb upper than 4000 meters.



Clin d’oeil de la nature…

Natural trick…
