Posted in Australia, China, Vincent, Voyage on 10/05/2009 02:54 by t*i*dd
Apres plus de 3 mois en Asie (Inde – Thailande – Laos – Chine), je me suis envole pour l’Australie…
After more than 3 month in Asia (India – Thailand – Lao – China), I flew to Australia…
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Posted in China, Voyage on 10/04/2009 02:50 by t*i*dd
Posted in China, funnies on 10/04/2009 02:47 by t*i*dd

FION in old french slang meens butt hole…
Posted in China, Organisation, Vincent, Voyage on 10/04/2009 02:45 by t*i*dd
Comme beaucoup, j’ai reserve ma chambre dans une des guest houses de Chuncking Mansion, au detail pres que quand je suis arrive a Garden Guest House (tard, vers 23h) la reception etait fermee et le gars de la securite ne m’a pas laisser entrer… Il y a donc fallut que je me trouve un autre lit (cher, tres cher) pour passer la nuit, a Hollywood Guest House. Le lendemain je suis retourne la ou j’avais reserve, mais ma chambre avait deja ete refourguee… La patrone m’a finalement trouve une chambre pas cher (et tres petite) a Grand Guest House…
Like almost every travelers, I booked a room in one of the Chuncking Mansion guets houses, but when I finaly arrived (late, around 11pm) at the Garden Guest House, the reception was closed and the security guy didn’t allow me to enter and pick a room… So I had to find another place to stay, and I found a more expensive one at the Hollywood Guest House. The day after I went back to the first guest house and I learned from the owner that my room wasn’t booked anymore because I hadn’t taken it the day before (!!!), so she helped me to find a cheapest one, and I got one of the smallest room ever at Grand Guest House…
Grand GH Lire la suite / Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in China, funnies on 10/04/2009 02:43 by t*i*dd

No Tomato + Extra Ketchup
Posted in China, Voyage on 10/04/2009 02:41 by t*i*dd
Avec Wang Di, juge rencontree dans le bus la veille, nous avons passe l’apres-midi et la soiree a arpanter les rue de HK.
Wang Di (judge I met the day before in the bus) and I spent the afternoon and the evening strolling in HK streets.
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Posted in China, Voyage on 10/03/2009 02:31 by t*i*dd
Avion + bus furent mes moyens de transport, et je vous passe mes deboires a la frontiere (pour changer)
Plane + bus were the transportation modes, and I won’t bother you with my border troubles (as usual in China)
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Posted in China, Voyage, others on 10/01/2009 02:28 by t*i*dd

le 1er Octobre la Chine fetait les 60 ans de son regime republicain…
the 1st of October, China was celebrating its 60th anniversary Lire la suite / Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in China, Organisation, Vincent, others on 09/30/2009 02:34 by t*i*dd
Quelques bonnes adresses a connaitre / some places you have to go to in Dali Lire la suite / Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in China, Rencontres, Voyage on 09/29/2009 02:25 by t*i*dd
Finalement, pour ma 3eme semaine a Dali, je me suis decide a parcourir les 4 kms jusqu’au lac, entoure de Kevin & Melody, Thibaud, Francisco…
Finaly, for my 3rd week in Dali, I went down the 4kms to the lake, with Melody & Kevin, Thibaud, Francisco…
Kevin – Francisco – Melody – Vance – Thibaud Lire la suite / Read the rest of this entry »