Archive for août 29th, 2009


Apres 11h30 de train depuis Kunming, j’atteignais enfin Dali, et 30 minutes plus tard, Dali Old Town (la vieille ville) et ses allures de Disneyland…
Mais rapidement, une fois sorti de Main Street, j’y ai trouve la vie agreable et m’y suis senti comme chez moi.

After 11 and half hours in the train from Kunming, I finally reached Dali, then 30 minutes later the Old Town, feeling like being in Disneyland…
But soon after I had escaped from the main street, I felt home in that small and pleasant city.

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Un livre autobiographique post seconde guerre mondiale qui fleure bon l’argomuch parigot

An autobiography post WW2 filled with old parisian slang

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