Valparaiso – terremoto

La nuit du 26 au 27 Fevrier la terre chilienne a tremblé… 3 secousses en moins d’une heure a Valparaiso, la premiere de 6,5 sur l’echelle de Richter a duré environ 1 minutes… Une autre dans la matinée, puis l’apres-midi, et la sixieme ce matin…

Erthquake the night of the 26th to the 27th of February here in Chile… 3 tremors in less than an hour, the first one was the strongest (6.5 Richter), plus one more in the morning, another the afternoon and the 6th and last this morning…






  1. In 1971, my dad (a marine engineer) and his crew were doing a geophysical survey off the pacific coast of Chile. They arrived in port at Valparaiso. They dropped anchor about 7-8pm in the evening, and 6 of the crew got into a motor boat (a Boston Whaler), intending to go to shore for a beer. They were about half way to shore when suddenly all the lights in the city went out. It was like somebody flicked a switch. The boat started bobbing around in the water like a cork. By the time they got to shore, people were running around screaming, and buildings were collapsed. They decided that there would be no beer that night.

    History repeats itself.

  2. true… i took a wine instead…

  3. Alors t’as shaké, bougé, moové :)
    Bon, content de savoir que tu vas bien, ça a du bien faire flipper!
    Vivement que tu rentres!

  4. ben heureusement que ce fut juste quand je suis rentré de soirée… la secousse est passée plus doucement…
    je pars ce soir a San Pedro de Atacama (nord)…

  5. @ V* : et tu oses ME dire « ivrogne » sous le post précédent ! tss tss tss :-)

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